Articles Of Assocation


Under the name "SEVAK Association" is constituted a non-profit association within the meaning of articles 60 and following of the Swiss Civil Code.

The headquarters of the Association is in Fribourg (rue des Chanoines 13, 1700 Fribourg, Switzerland). The Association may be led to create, outside its head office, one or more "establishments" located in Europe or Armenia.
The duration of the association is unlimited.

The aim of the association is to strengthen socio-cultural exchanges between Europe and Armenia, in a perspective of sustainable development. It intervenes in particular in the following fields
- Training and professional orientation
- Environment and ecotourism
- Language exchanges and language courses
- Intercultural events
- And any other activity that can contribute to the purpose of the association.


Membership is open to natural or legal persons wishing to support the aims of the association. Applications for membership should be addressed to the Committee, which admits new members and informs the General Assembly.

Each member recognizes by its entry the statutes and the decisions of the competent bodies. The membership is acquired by the acceptance of the application by the Committee / General Assembly and the payment of the membership fee.

Any resignation must be communicated in writing to the Committee. The membership fee for the current year is due. The Committee may propose the dismissal of members for justifiable reasons.

Members of the Association shall not incur any personal liability for commitments made by the Association which is exclusively secured by the property of the Association.


The bodies of the Association are:
1. The General Assembly
2. The Committee
3. The Auditors (the auditors are not members of the committee)

The supreme body of the Association is the General Assembly. It is composed of all the members of the Association.

The General Assembly deals with the following matters:
- To take decisions on the admission and suspension of members;
- To elect the Committee and the Auditors;
- To adopt the Committee’s activity report;
- Adopt the accounts and vote on the budget;
- To give discharge to the Committee and the Auditors;
- To set the amount of the annual membership fees;
- Adopt and amend the Articles of Association;
- To dissolve the Association

The Ordinary General Meeting is held every year. Its date and agenda must be communicated to the members at least three weeks in advance. An Emergency Assembly may be held by decision of the Committee or at the request of at least three-fifths of the members entitled to vote.

Each individual or collective member has one vote. TThe accumulation of votes is prohibited. In the event of a tie, the president will make the final decision. Votes and elections take place by a show of hands. They take place by secret ballot if at least 3/5th of the members request it.

The Committee consists of 3 to 9 members. It is elected by the General Assembly. The Committee elects the President and defines the role of each member. The term of office of all members of the Committee is 2 years. They may be re-elected.

The Committee directs the activity of the Association. It meets as many times as necessary at the invitation of one of its members. The Committee represents the Association vis-à-vis third parties. The signature of the President and of a member of the Committee validly engages the responsibility of the Association. It is responsible:
- To take all necessary measures to achieve the goals set by the Association;
- To convene the Ordinary and Emergency General Assemblies;
- To oversee the implementation of the Articles of Association;
- To administer the assets of the Association;

The General Assembly elects two auditors for two years. They may be re-elected once. They are responsible for the auditing of the accounts of the Association. They present their report to the General Assembly.


The Association’s resources are as follows:
- Membership fees
- Donation
- Income from Association activities
- Income from assets

Final provisions

Amendments to the Articles of Association may only be made by decision of a General Meeting with a two-thirds majority of those present and entitled to vote, provided that the request for amendment is on the agenda.

The dissolution of the Association may only be decided upon at the request of the Committee or half of the members with voting rights, at an Extraordinary General Assembly convened specifically for this purpose. The decision to dissolve the Association requires the approval of two-thirds of those present and entitled to vote.
In the event of dissolution, the Emergency General Assembly shall decide on the use of the assets of the Association in the spirit of the purpose of the Association. Under no circumstances may the assets of the Association revert to its members for their private use.

The Articles of Association were adopted by the Constituent General Meeting of January 20, 2009. The Articles of Association come into force immediately.
For everything not included in these Articles of Association, please refer to Articles 60 et seq. of the Swiss Civil Code.

Place and date: Fribourg, May 5, 2010

For SEVAK Association