Activities in Armenia
Professional counselling

About Us
SEVAK Association is a non-profit organization created on January 20, 2009 in Fribourg (Switzerland) by a group of Armenian-Swiss friends. The aim of the association is the reinforcement of the socio-cultural relationships between Switzerland and Armenia.
Appealing to young people and more broadly to people interested in protecting and extending socio-cultural relations and traditions, our association aims to organize events aimed at strengthening multicultural ties.
At the heart of our work is the enthusiasm and energy to create unique, effective and edifying experiences for Armenians and Swiss people. Creating, changing, developing are the key words of our team that contribute to the development of new exchanges and social projects.
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One of the flagship projects of SEVAK Association is the organization of the visit of two specialists in Career Guidance from Fribourg Switzerland to Yerevan in Armenia. In collaboration with the canton of Fribourg, the association prepared this project with the aim of enabling Swiss specialists to present the existing possibilities in this field to their Armenian counterparts.
In Armenia, after finishing compulsory school at the age of 17, a very large number of high school students try to enter University. On the one hand, this opens the way for competition: each of these students knows that he or she has to make more effort to get his or her place in life; but on the other hand, those who at the end of their studies cannot find a suitable job are discouraged and become long-term unemployed due to the lack of further education or guidance.
In addition, adults also face periods of change and job loss. A long period of unemployment can lead to a loss of confidence and orientation.
Suggestions for improving the situation:
A professional counseling service would allow school graduates as well as students to choose a training program that corresponds to their interests and abilities. This service is also intended for adults who wish to undertake training, upgrade their skills, or change professions. Its role is to advise and inform the public, taking into account the country's infrastructure.
- To inform the consultants, individually or in groups, about the different training centers as well as the possibilities offered by the labor market.
- Organize information sessions in classes in the 9th and 10th grades of compulsory schools.
- Offer information seminars led by professionals from the Swiss Vocational Guidance.
- Through individual interviews, allow consultants to become aware of their skills, possibilities, and interests.
- Clarify the aspirations of the individuals as well as the verification of the adequacy with the reality of the market.
- Evaluate the relevance and feasibility of the professional choice with the help of questionnaires or tests.
- Support the consultants in the elaboration of the professional project and in the drafting of the application file
- Collaborate with the academic and professional communities.
Ten years after the initiative was established, SEVAK Association has a goal to continue the project, to set a path aiming to success for many young and elderly people, providing career opportunities.